Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Postcards Arrived! The Excitement of Fairbanks...

Hi Everyone,

It's Allison, of the dynamic Time Immemorial duo of Allison and Jack.  We decided to start this blog, because we both are writers.  Heck, we wrote this amazing play!  So, it is good for us to share with our friends and family our journey together as we move forward in time, going through this intense tour process towards you.  Yes, you.

We love being at the Empress Theatre.  They ROCK.  The space is amazing.  Jack designed a set, that is coming together really beautifully.  We are overwhelmed, yet we are learning to ask for help.  Today, our friend Kim drove around and put posters up everywhere.  And my longtime friend Allan Hayton, he came in and watched our run-through and gave us notes.  And Erica Lord, our good friend, came and helped relentlessly on finishing our set.  She really transposed the idea into something even more amazing.

All of this work, paying for all of these expenses up front, (including our hotel rooms - so we can get proper rest) and we have yet to sell a single ticket in Fairbanks online.  (  This is a huge act of trust - us trusting and praying that "if you build it, they will come"....  And we are hoping and waiting... waiting to see the faces that come into the theatre tomorrow night and watch our labor of love, done in the Fairbanks way.

This entire tour is like giving a big hug.  We love you guys.  We believe in this work, the impact this work has so strongly, that we will push through the hard hard work and extremely long hours so that we can offer you, yes YOU, the opportunity to be in the audience.  To be a part of the magic of theatre.

We are excited to see who shows up.  I'm especially thrilled because our cool tour postcards arrived today.  They list all the dates and times and places for the upcoming five stops on the tour.  Now, we have a way to talk to people we run into when we are out and about - about the play, about what we are doing.  They are beautiful postcards, 1500 strong, ready to be distributed, one by one.

Being in Fairbanks is emotional for me.  I was born and raised here.  It means a lot for me to be able to perform here, to perform a piece of work that I can really stand behind and be excited about sharing...
I hope my childhood friends emerge, I hope elders emerge and I hope that people who are curious about our show emerge and that we can see all of their faces, beaming back towards us, in the audience, as we share our labour of love.

I'm excited about this blog, and I hope people take it upon themselves to post "video or audio or written testimonials" about the impact the show made upon them when they saw it in either Homer or Palmer this year, or in Anchorage (different version of then one now) two years ago.   Post testimonials!  Send them to our email at and post them on facebook and tag us in your video/note/soundcloud post.

Tomorrow, we are doing our first show here, at 7:30 pm at the Empress Theatre.  We are hoping our friends and family will come tomorrow.  A big article is coming out about us in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner on Friday, so we need to fill the seats the most tomorrow.  We are going to have a special guest appearance here in Fairbanks, just for tomorrow's audience.  So, see you there!

We love you guys!  If you are in Anchorage, please buy your tickets for our show online NOW at:

More words, photos and videos soon!  Yay!  You can follow us on this journey!  We are excited to share this tour with you, day by day, and we are looking forward to seeing you in our audiences.

Truly, Allison

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